I provide psychotherapy for those who would like help navigating life stressors and conflicts and for those who want to optimize how they feel and function in life.

I offer talk therapy on its own and in conjunction with medication management.

Comfy Chair for Psychotherapy in NY or Rye
Woman sitting on a psychotherapy couch - psychotherapy for women in NY, CT, FL, CA

I have expertise in a range of different psychotherapies, including Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (traditional talk therapy), Interpersonal Psychotherapy (a short-term treatment focusing on relationships), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (a short term treatment focusing on how thoughts affect how you feel and behave), and Supportive Therapy (supporting you in achieving your goals).

Often, I utilize a combination of these modalities to best suit your needs.

Ready to Get Started?

call or text me at 212-988-8809 to schedule an appointment.